In Awe!

In Awe!
Win Mcnamaa/Getty Images - Space Shuttle Discovery, mounted atop a 747 shuttle carrier aircraft, flies over the US Capital ... for the last time

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Amanda Cole, Realtor and Personal Financial Coach

Monday, August 29, 2011


Summer does not seem quite right if it does not come and go without one trip to the beach...  This year I was fortunate enough to go the one of my favorite beaches on earth (Destin, FL) with my husband's family, the Coles.  How wonderful and marvelous to be given this treat on so many different levels...

I've included some random pictures...  including the worlds smalled post office (being married to a mail man hottie I always have these on my radar), one of our favorite cafes down on 30A, a happy sign from that same restaurant, the beach and the bay! 

How marvelous...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Congratulations to the first five folks to return my email on recommended contractors! 

They are: Jesse Stanford, Jon Brown, Lisa Allen, Rusty Walker and Cindy Antila! 

If your name is listed above please shoot me an email to let me know where you would live your gift card to?

Congratulations and again, thank you!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Owen & Bella

Welcome back...  It's been a while since I last posted, no excuse just the usual busyness of real estate and being a new wife!  I read a book this weekend called, "Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back", and I was so happy when I read in it that this little boy saw lots of animals in heaven!  Ok, so you may be a skeptic about the whole heaven thing in general but I have decided that God made animals as well, why would they not go to heaven?  In my experience as a fury-four-legged mom, my puppies have so much more character, substance and transparency that most people.  They want to play, they play, they want to nap, they nap...  there is no worrying about what other people think or say - they just enjoy life.  They love with no boundaries and no expectations except maybe a table scrap every now and then~  They are loyal (well, at least one of mine is).  Owen (my German Shepherd) lays in front of the bathroom door when I shower and when I come out acts like he has not seen me in years - it's just amazing! 

Well, that's about it - if you are not an animal person, I'm so sorry - I'll find something great to share next week~


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

perspective: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance

I often wonder how different this world would be if I could just have a balanced perspective which even saying that makes me giggle at myself.  Balance perspective ....  What I really want is a God perspective! 

I don't know about you but it seems that the world is falling apart~  I listen to the news about the unrest in the Middle East, again and again and again.  The earthquake in New Zealand.  The budget and oil crises in our country and wonder what the "flip" is going on.  My natural self automatically hops on the trail to fear and then I remember ...  We have a King who is King over all the earth and beyond.  He is completely powerful and in control and my perspective changes.  If only my perspective could stay in this place of calm - it does not, I want it to -

Last week when the weather started to lose her winter chill I went for a walk in my backyard and was reminded of perspective.  My neighbors chairs were a wonderful reminder that there is a time to look back and then there is a place where I believe we are supposed to live - looking out, looking beyond ourselves and our fear.  You see if one was sitting in the chairs and only looked at the chairs we would miss the most divine view of all ~


Proverbs 23:14 Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

Monday, February 14, 2011

home: a dwelling place together with the family that lives there

Welcome to my blog!

I am the first to admit that it's taken me way too much time to get it in gear with this social networking stuff.  My fear is that it will take over my time and schedule that I so very much protect and then I had a heart change.  Balance: this seems to be the story of my life, my mind and my body.  Come and sit with me a while...

I suspect you will see lots of architecture, homes, nature etc. on my blog (that is if you decide to visit with me again).  I have a passion for all things beautiful and it seems to come first in the things un-man made (is that even a word?) and secondly in architecture...  buildings (old and new), homes, bridges, churches - you get the picture.

I have personally moved around fifteen times in the last 20 years and my heart longs to be "home".  I'm not sure if this is even possible on this side of heaven, nevertheless, my heart longs for home.  If I were to write my own description I think it may look something like this:  home: a place of constant communion with my Maker where myself does not get in the way.  You see, I know that this environment would create everything else that my soul so desperately needs - unconditional love, peace, patience, security, joy, fearlessness.  In the crevices of my mind I can look at a home and taste at the surface a remnant of what my soul desires.

I finally got to visit with a home that I have admired and wondered about for so long~  She is affectionately called, "the Painted Lady".  How interesting, how elegant - what stories and secrets she must know!  Enjoy~

Psalm 84:3  Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altar, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God.